Building on the success of our first Technical Week in 2023, we decided to make this a permanent fixture in our annual calendar! This year it took place from 1st-5th July 2024 with the theme, ‘Improving efficiency and productivity’.
A huge thank you to our Future Leaders who arranged and delivered this year’s programme, which featured talks and tours, presentations, team building exercises, site visits and a charity raffle.
Throughout the week, we had the opportunity to hear from:
James Campbell on the purpose and context of 'Technical Week'
- In his presentation, James touched on how we can engage more with CIBSE and what the future will look like in regard to Fiona Cousin’s wider plan for reimagining CIBSE building performance.
Robert Miles on 'Digitalisation project process'
- As Digitalisation project lead, Rob provided an update on our progress and ultimately, the benefits of digitalisation in terms of ease of use, streamlining processes and improving efficiency enabling our people to spend time on adding value.
Paul Monaghan on 'TQC lessons learnt from technical audits'
- After working at TB+A for over 34 years, Paul reflected on his insights and lessons learnt from technical audits and peer reviews, such as minimising risk to everybody whilst reducing our environmental impact.
Naddy Parperi and Dan Hornsby on 'Revit'
- Naddy and Dan talked us through the project timeline and how to build a project using Revit from start to finish.
Mary Harding on 'Leadership and management training'
- Following the launch of our recent leadership and management training pilot, Mary shared key insights and takeaways from the course which focussed on driving performance and establishing a productive and effective team.
Ruta Antanaityte on 'The power of PowerPoint'
- In a bid to showcase the possibilities of PowerPoint, Ruta provided a practical demonstration on how to create impactful presentations that are on brand and animative.
Clive Healey on 'Back to basics: Excel'
- Clive took us straight back to basics with his informative presentation that included useful tips and tricks for mastering and getting the most from Excel.

Some of our Future Leaders also discussed current dilemmas and how best to approach them:
'Teams vs face-to-face meetings' with Jordan McCully
- Pre-Covid, it was impossible to imagine a world without everyone coming together face-to-face for meetings. Fast forward five years and now it’s unlikely that someone isn’t dialling in via Teams! But how effective is it and do they compare? Jordan explored the pros and cons of both in his Dilemma Discussion.
'Duties and responsibilities at RIBA Stage 4' with Teddy Petken
- As Building Services Engineers, we have a duty to work in compliance with regulations and create buildings that are safe for occupancy. Teddy outlined these duties and responsibilities, including what is expected, the level of detail required in our designs and what clashes are permitted at RIBA Stage 4.
'Deadline vs Full QA' with Josh Mitchell
- Hitting deadlines whilst trying to satisfy project demands and work in accordance with IMS procedures can be tough. Josh reinforced the importance of striking a balance and how collaboration and communication are key throughout this process.
'Human vs AI-driven content' with Grace Payne
- AI is no longer a concept of the future, it’s here and it’s transforming content creation. Grace explored how we can work alongside AI and see it as an aid, rather than a replacement for human intellect or something to fear.
Outside of the presentations, some of our team got the chance to step on site at a selection of our latest projects to see them in action and learn more about our involvement. Tours included:
- Deloitte, Farringdon (led by Jack Cooper)
- TCE Energy Centre (led by Censina Azzopardi and Peter Gordon)
Finally, we collectively raised a fantastic £1,020 through our charity raffle for the Turing Trust, who support digital education in disadvantaged communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thank you to everyone that donated and a huge congratulations to all the winners!