Investors in People Awards 2021
November 2021
Meeting the needs of our people

The Investors in People Awards celebrate the very best organisations and individuals from around the world across various organisational, people, wellbeing and leadership categories.

In recognition of our efforts throughout the pandemic and beyond, we are delighted to have been awarded 'Best Pivot Scheme' at the Investors in People Awards 2021.


Since the first cases of Covid-19 in the UK, we took immediate action and preventative measures to help keep our people safe and to support their health and wellbeing.

Huge congratulations to all the team on this achievement and we look forward to continuing to provide a safe and comfortable working environment with flexible practices, tailored to the needs of our people.

“The Investors in People Awards 2021 was a recording break year in regards to the number of entries and number of organisation entering, so for every organisation that won, your win will taste a little bit sweeter! I am so proud of every organisation that entered this year, demonstrating their fantastic commitment to making work better. And as a Winner, Troup Bywaters + Anders really stands out amongst the crowd. A huge well done to all involved!”
Paul Devoy
CEO, Investors in People